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Do Magnetic Bracelets Work?

There is a lot of information out there on the benefits of magnetic bracelets. But do magnetic bracelets really work? Do magnetic bracelets help to relieve the pain of arthritis and other common ailments? Here we discuss how magnetic bracelets work in further detail below.

Benefits of Magnetic Bracelets

Okay, so to start with, let’s review what the supposed benefits of wearing magnetic bracelet’s are. There are said to be lots of benefits of wearing magnetic bracelet’s including the following: –

  • Improved Blood Circulation; it has been said that the magnetic forces within bracelet’s can have a positive effect on overall blood circulation. Which in turn can help to: –
  • Reduce Inflammation; A consequence of the improved blood circulation is a reduction in inflammation. This in turn can aid in pain reduction and an overall feeling of improved health in general.
  • Promotes Relaxation; Magnetic forces are said to help in the promotion of relaxation. This is said to be as a result the production of the hormone melatonin in the body which helps us know when to relax. A consequence of this is: –
  • Better & Deeper Sleep; the promotion of relaxation has a knock on effect on the promotion of a deeper sleep. Again this boils down to the fact that you have more of the melatonin hormone being produced. A result of improved sleep leads to an overall better feeling and in turn;
  • Positive Mental Attitude; think back to the last time you had a nice long deep sleep – remember how great you felt when you woke up in the morning? More energy, refreshed and ready to fight the day!
  • Fashionable & Stylish; lots of celebrities have been seen wearing a magnetic bracelet – the likes of David Beckham, Will Smith & Christian Bale have all been seen donning a nice magnetic bracelet.
  • Pain Relief; when you combine each of the above factors, these all lead to the end game of a relief in pain. By having better circulation, reduced inflammation, and being able to relax and sleep better, you can ultimately begin to feel more refreshed, happier and health in general.

Do Magnetic Bracelets Work?



Ultimately, the jury seems to be still out on whether or not magnetic bracelet’s really work or not. There needs to be further scientific studies conducted to understand the true benefits of wearing magnetic bracelet’s. However, as people continue to report the health benefits they feel from wearing magnetic bracelet’s, these will continue to be an important piece of costume jewellery worn.

Alfred & Co. London stock a range of fashionable and stylish magnetic bracelets each at a reasonable price. All of our magnetic bracelet’s come with a luxury Alfred & Co. Jewellery box. So if you have decided to take the plunge, and buy a magnetic bracelet, why not browse our stock today and find a style to suit you.

  Silver Magnetic Bracelet by Alfred & Co. London.  If you’re interested in finding out more about magnetic bracelet’s and the health benefits they can bring, here is an interesting article in the BBC news.

You should always seek any medical advice and guidance from your doctor.

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